Eye: Warrior of Light
October 05, 1973 - March 29, 1974 (26 episodes)
Created by Kawauchi,
Music by Iketa, Takeharu
Rai, Kotaru
Ohama, Shiro
Diamond Eye [episodes 1-10]
Noda, Keiichi
Diamond Eye [episodes 11-26]
Ikemizu Michihiro
Fukuda, Go
Kurosawa, Noriko
Editor-In-Chief Hayakawa
Hisano, Shiro
Gen Kai Ryuu (King Cobra)
Nambara, Koji
Mayama, Tomoko
Rankha (Princess Cobra)
Opening Theme
Hikari no Senshi Daiyamondo Ai was unique among
tokusatsu. The title character was not a cyborg, android, alien or
human in a power suit. Diamond Eye was a good spirit sent to fight evil
spirits. Like one of Aladdin's genies he lived in a ring and appeared
only when summoned.
s As the gangster attempt to flee Diamond Eye hits them with twin beams from his eyes. The "Inner Soul Illumination Beam" (Gedou Shoshin Reiha Kosen)reveals that these gangsters are in reality ancient evil beasts known as "Zensei Majin". When Gen Kai Ryuu tries to escape Diamond Eye reveals him be to King Cobra (the one with snakes on his shoulders) the leader of the Zensei Majin. After using the "Inner Soul Illumination Beam" Diamond Eye then says to the Zensei Majin, "Thine true form have I seen Zensei Majin ________" (filling the blank with its name) to which the monster replies "I've been exposed!"
Diamond Eye has other energy weapons and hurls diamonds that explode like grenades but "Royal Punch" is his ultimate attack. Diamond Eye also has the ability to heal wounds and purge evil spirits from human bodies.
Kotaru summons Diamond Eye by uncovering the ring, exposing it to light while shouting "Ai yo!" If the ring is covered up, or otherwise kept in the dark then Diamond Eye won't appear. Once Diamond Eye is out of the ring he can use it to summon Rai, Kotaru to him. Diamond Eye's eyes will flash and the ring will too as Diamond Eye's voice comes through the ring saying "Kotaru".
With one exception Rai, Kotaru's friends (and even some of his enemeis) call him by the nick name "Raik�". The friend who always addreses him as "Kotaru" is none other then Diamond Eye himself. Kotaru usually refers to Diamond Eye as just "Ai" (Eye). Gen Kai Ryuu insists on calling Kotaru by his full name "Rai, Kotaru" usually in an angry tone.
Last modified Monday, January 27, 2020
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Hikari no Senshi Daiyamondo Ai © 1973 Toho E-B Co., Ltd.
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