Episode 23: Challenge: Hurricane Karate!
(featuring Shadow assassin Hurricane)
Hurricane near the drop site, receives a radio message from Dark Tiger informing him that they have the papers so there is no hurry in eliminating the boy. Dark Tiger also informs Hurricane that Dragon is heading his way, and that he can do what he wants about that. Hurricane of course brags that he will "knock down Dragon" and Dark Tiger says he will wait for the good news. Hurricane introduce himself to Dragon announcing he's always wanted to meet him, Dragon's response is "Why? I am no fun at all". Hurricane mixing English and Japanese than talks about his brand of Karate being tested in San Francisco, Rome, Cairo by many but never beaten. And he's wanted a match against Dragon so he joined Shadow. Dragon tells him if he joined Shadow he's lost his soul and his skills, which makes Hurricane angry so he attacks Dragon. Losing to Dragon in unarmed combat, Hurricane pulls a spiked flail on a chain. With it he is able to push dragon down a hill, he thinks he killed him, burring him under a landslide but Dragon is only wounded. Ken arrives at the drop point but there is no money, Kojiro arrives and tells him Shadow has the papers and Dragon is dealing with the assassin. When they hear footsteps Kokiro assumes its his "bro" and opens the door saying to come in but he finds himself facing Hurricane who says in English "thank you". When Hurricane asks which one of the took Shadow's papers Ken, pushes Kojiro towards him saying he is the one. But then Ken tries to run at Hurricane with a knife, the assassins steps aide and Ken just runs out the door, Kojiro manages to make it out too and with Hurricane chasing him because he thinks he's the blackmailer, Kokiro literally runs into Dragon, who's leg is bleeding. Hurricane mistakenly assumes this means he can easily kill Dragon. Kojiro, hides and prays. Ken just hides. Both warriors drop, Hurricane with his last breath simply says "Dragon.." Dragon painfully rolls over and Kojiro runs over to help him stand. Ken also comes out of hiding and promises to work at an honest job from now on.
‹To Be Continued›