Episode 25: Counterattack! The Dark Tiger
(featuring Shadow Boss: Dark Tiger & Shadow assassins Four Shadow Great Gods: Wind, Water, Lightning, Fire)
Before they board a boat to Oshima, Kojiro is fidgety look out for Dark Tiger, but once they are aboard he completely fails to notice him watching them. After looking at the map Dragon suggests checking out the island's Hawaiian Botanical Gardens first. Kojiro gets seasick and goes on deck to vomit into the sea but has an encounter with Dark Tiger, who tells him to tell Dragon he will get the map back no matter what and take Dragon's life too. Since the map has four red circles on it and there are four of them, Dr. Kuri suggests tearing the map into four parts and they each take one piece so even if Shadow captures one of them Dark Tiger won't get the whole map back. They do this than all four go to the Hawaiian Botanical Garden and once there split up to search for Shadow's secret.. Kojiro, literally runs into Dark Tiger, who knocks him out by hitting him the stomach (which is how you render someone unconscious on TV not by hitting them in the head). Dragon catches a dagger thrown at him, it has Dark Tiger's demand that he bring the other three map pieces to the crater at Mount Mihara if he wants Kojiro back. This time Dragon goes alone.
Dragon arrives without the other map pieces, and Dark Tiger arrives without Kojiro. Dragon asks what the map is about. And Dark Tiger stating that since he's about to send Dragon to hell he figures its safe to tell him, the four places on the map are were Shadow has hidden bars of gold worth billions purchased from the money made off Shadow's clients. Now Dragon figures he can kill Shadow Japan's boss and cripple Shadow by confiscating their gold. But instead of finishing their fight, Dark Tiger calls forth "Shadows four great gods" to finish Dragon. Wind, Water, Lightning, Fire. Wondering which one will survive to take the map pieces from Kuri and the girl, Dark Tiger laughs and vanishes.
‹To Be Continued›