title screen

Kikaider Reboot: Kikaider The Ultimate Human Robot

DVD front cover DVD back cover

Cast List

Produced by Shinichiro Shirakura & Shinichiro Inoue
Directed by Ten Shimoyama
Screenplay by Kento Shimoyama
English subtitles by Don Brown

Character Actor/Actress
Jiro/Kikaider voice Jingi Irie
Nobuhiko Kohmyoji Kazushige Nagashima
Mitsuko Kohmyoji Aimi Satsukawa
Masaru Kohmyoji Yuto Ikeda
Hanpei Hattori Ryuji Harada
Gilbert Kanzaki/ Haidker voice Shingo Tsurumi
Mari Maryjun Takahashi
Kyujiro Maeno Daisuke Ban
Shinnosuke Tanabe Renji Ishibashi
Sogoro Honda Hirotaro Honda

A more modern and darker retelling of the Jinzou Ningen Kikaida story with elements of the Kikaida anime, Kikaida-01 and the other robot hero series Choujinki Metalder. Dr. Kohmyoji never refers to his creation as "Kikaida" but only as "Jiro". Its his evil assistant who tells Jiro he's just a machine "Kikai") and an imperfect one.. As if any machine could be perfect. There would have to be perfect humans first. Dr. Kohmyoji made Jiro (he never calls him Kikaida) blue and red as a reminder that androids could be used for good (blue) or evil (red). He intends for them to only be used for the good of humanity. Unfortunantly for Dr. Kohmyoji, his superior (the Minister of Defense) and his jealous subordinate, a literally mad scientist from America, have other ideas.

Nobuhiko KohmyojiJiro
Dr. Nobuhiko Kohmyoji has created "Project ARK" to create robots for peaceful purposes,
which is why Jiro has a "Conscience Circuit". The Japanese military has other ideas.

Mitsuko Kohmyoji Masaru Kohmyoji
So its not surprising that shortly after his introduction the doctor is dead and his children, Mitsuko (above, left) and Masaru (above right) are orphans. The doctor is seen a few more times in flashbacks. This version of Masaru is not living alone for months, but he does get abandoned by himself in a bus stop later.

Hanpei Hattori
"Web journalist" Hanpei Hattori finds it strange there has been no major announcent about the death of the world famous Dr. Kohmyoji and that his "Project ARK" is going on without him.


When Mitsuko and Masaru are abducted by men dressed in black carrying automatic rifles (who it seems are planning on executing them) a stranger appears to rescue them.
Bullets don't hurt him but they do reveal his robotic frame. So saying "Switch On" he goes into combat mode. (The Jiro form turns out to be a holographic projection. His entire skin is covered by a malleable LCD screen.)

Kikaida vs another robot

The men in black run away, a helicopter drops a large robot, GREY RHINO KING, to attack Kikaida. The robot is defeated. Like the anime version the movie version of Mitsuko is afraid of Jiro/Kikida not grateful for the rescue. Hanpei Hattori arrives too late to have seen anything. Mitsuko won't let Masaru (who's not at all afraid of Jiro/Kikaida) tell Hanpei about what happened. Jiro has disappeared. Hanpei takes the Kohmyoji's to his home. He tells them to stay there and lock the door when he leaves but Mitsuko doens't trust him and they leave.

Gilbert KanzakiMariMinister of Defense

Dr. Gilbert Kanzaki (a Japanese-American), Dr. Kohmyoji's assistant on "Project ARK", considers his robot Mari to be superior to the Dr. Kohmyoji's Jiro, because Mari has no "Conscience Circuit" weaking her with emotions. It is Mari who renames her creator "Professor Gill". Mari was not in Jinzou Ningen Kikaida, she's from Kikaida-01. The Minister of Defense (who has misinformed the Prime Minster as to his intentions for the use of robots) wants Masaru Kohmyoji captured because he's some how neccesary for gaining access to Dr. Kohmyoji's files.

Jiro, Masaru, MitsukoJiro's guitar

Mitsuko uses her smart phone to send a message to the one person she does trust, her father's mentor Kyujiro Maeno. This nearly results in their capture. As the military tracks them through the smart phone. Jiro appears to rescue them again. He explains that he was instructed to protect them by their father. In a scene taken right from the live action TV series, Masaru tries to offer Jiro some food as the trio sits around a campfire on a beach. Later Jiro finally removes his guitar from its case. It's an electric guitar, not the acustic guitar of the original TV series.

troops in black

More soldiers dressed in black try to abduct Masaru while he and his sister sleep, but of course Jiro does not sleep. Fortunantly for them, his "Conscience Circuit" will not allow him to kill humans, only beat them up. Mari arrives to attempt to destroy Jiro. Unfortunantly she does not turn into Bijinda, she just has a weapon built into one arm and being actually designed for combat she's better at fighting than Jiro/Kikaida so Kikaida loses this round and Mitsuko and Masaru are taken captive. Mari showing the arrogance of her creator, proclaims herself superior to humans and Jiro because they have "useless" emotions. Which is precisly the reason Dr. Kohmyoji believe androids need to be programmed with a conscious, so they cannot be used to dominate humans.

Kyujiro Maeno

Kyujiro Maeno (Daisuke Ban, the original Jiro), a pyschologist who gave Dr. Kohmyoji the idea for the "Conscience Circuit", rescues the damaged Jiro. Meanwhile, the Minister of Defense shows more compasiion than one would expect and had the hidden computer chip surgically removed from Masaru's body without killing the boy. With Dr. Kohmyoji's serect files unlocked "Project Ark" becomes the "DARK Project". However, Professor Gill furious that his contributions are being ignored puts his own project into play "Hakaida" (Destruction). Kyujiro Maeno not being able to repair Jiro himself takes the android to a friend, who it just so happens is connected to Hanpei Hattori. Hapnpei recognizes Jiro as the work of Dr. Nobuhiko Kohmyoji and explains how the doctor discovered his work to produce robots which would handle tasks too dangerous for humans, such as cleaning up nuclear waste, was being corrupted by the military. Jiro learns that Mitsuko and Masaru have been released by the defense minister. And having been twice told his "mission" to protect them is over he no longer knows what his function is. Mitsuko is planning to leave Japan to goto college in America.

HakaidaHakaida vs Kikaida

Wandering the streets without purpose Jiro encounters Hakaida, who is the third to tell Jiro his mission is completed, and demands that Jiro return to the DARK with him. Jiro declines and they fight. This version of Hakaida has Professor Gill's brain in his head, not Dr. Kohmyoji's so he's more the Kikaida-01 Hakaida than the Jinzou Ningen Kikaida version. The fights ends when Jiro recognizes Hakaida's voice as that of Professor Gill and refuses to fight because his "Conscience Circuit" classifies Hakaida as "human" which of course offends Hakaida as the insane Professor Gill considers having his brain in his robot makes him the perfect machine. Hakaida threatens to blast Jiro with his gun but he detectes the presence of Mari and walks away. Back at the shop where Jiro is repaired again, Jiro suddenly wonders why Mitsuko protected him when its an android's duty to protect humans not the other way around. Hapeni explains that humans sometimes act ouf "love or compassion".


Hakaida has returned to the DARK Project headquarters but refuses to serve the Minsister of Defense and when even Mari will not obey him, he rebels, leaving what the news still calls "Project ARK" in ruins. When Jiro asks his new friend to boost his fighting powers, he's told the only way to do that is to shut off his "Conscience Circuit" which is holding him back, but doing so would destroy his "humanity" so his friend won't do it. Finally accepting that Hakaida is just a machine, Jiro goes to confront Hakaida, who threatens to destroy Jiro and kill Dr. Kohmyoji's children before laying waste to the world. Assuming that the evil android will defeat Jiro, Masaru and Hanpei head to the bus station to get Mitsuko who is heading for the airport to fly to America, to help them get Jiro to runaway instead of 'dying" or "being destroyed". While Mitsuko and Jiro are talking Hakaida attacks Jiro's "Conscience Circuit" with an electronic pulse attempting to drive Jiro insane. But Jiro says it not his "mission" to project humans its his "will" to do so and shorts out the "Conscience Circuit" ending Hakaida's ability to manipulate him and removing the restrictions on his combat abilities. During the final battle a computer inside Jiro displays "Electromagnetic End". Hakaida accuses Jiro (the name Kikaida is never used) of destroying his "soul" and betraying Kohmyoji when he destroyed his "Conscience Circuit". Jiro replies "No, I destroyed my soul to protect other souls". JIro survives the battle only to "die" in Mitsuko's arms. She says she now knows what she wants to study and that someday she will "fix" him.


In the middle of the credits there is a final scene. The Minster of War and Mari have survived and they have Dr.Kohmyoji's brain in a jar. The Minster says "At last the real android project begins". "Kakaider-01: Reboot" coming?

As the final credits role, with pictures from Jinzou Ningen Kikaida being displayed a new version of "Go Go Kikaida" is heard. So the movie ends without us ever finding out exactly what the "DARK Project" is and why the Minister of Defense keeps trying to put the blame for it on Dr. Kohmyoji when the doctor wanted nothing to do with the military's plans of conquest. Nor do we ever learn why Mari turned against her creator to side with the Minister of Defense instead.

Differences between the TV series and this movie:
1: In the TV series Jiro is the name of the human appearing form of Dr. Kohmyoji's android. And Kikaida the name of the android when its in its red and blue combat mode. In the movie the android is only ever refered to as Jiro. Although people, do keep refering to the androids as just machines "kikai". In the TV series Jiro actually transforms into Kikaida. In this movie Jiro's human appearance is just a hologram covering up Jiro's true appearance as the half blue, half red android.
2. In the TV series Mitsuko was there when her father made Jiro/Kikaida and she trusts the android, in fact even though she knows Jiro is a machine she's in love with him. In this movie Mitsuko doesn't meet Jiro until after her father is dead and she fears and resents him. Fears him because she realizes Jiro is just machine and resents him because Jiro is her father's creation and she's mad at him for "abandoing" her. Like it was his choice to be murdered by Professor Gill.
3. In the TV series The Dark is a terrorist group lead by the insane Professor Gill, which kidnapped Dr. Kohmyoji and his daughter. In this movie "Project ARK" which later becomes "The Dark Project" is a government sponsored program for which Dr. Kohmyoji works until he discovers the military has been backing the project all along.
4. In the TV series Jiro/Kikaida was made by Dr. Kohmyoji as the ulitmate warrior, to defeat The Dark. The incomplete "Conscience Circuit" was to keep Jiro from being turned evil. In this movie Jiro was made for peaceful purposes and the complete "Conscience Circuit" inhibits the android's combat abilities.
5. There are no named combat moves in this movie. No "Double Chop" or "Giant Swing Throw". Only at the end is Jiro's final attack against Hakaida given a name and then only on an internal computer screen, he doesn't speak its name "Electromagnetic End" ("Denji Endo").
6. There are no androids running around saying "Gill Gill" ("Giru! Giru!") which all us kids in Hawaii misheard as "Get em, Get em". In this movie the grunts are human soldiers dressed in black. And they never actually speak.
7. There are no color based monsters in this movie except for Gray Rhino King, of which there seem to be quite a few as they are shown in the rubble after being destroyed by Hakaida. The only colors ever mentioned are Jiro's red and blue.
8. In the TV series Jiro's guitar is acustic and he plays it to announce his prescence to the Dark monsters and androids. In this movie Jiro's guitar is electric. He only plays it twice. Once for his own entertainment and the second time to annoy Hakaida.
9. No Sidemachine motorycle in the movie.
10. Professor Gill's flute is replaced with Hakaida being able to generate an electronic pulse from his hand which interfers with Jiro's "Conscience Circuit".
11. In "Jinzou Ningen Kikaida, Dr. Kohmyoji's brain is in Hakaida's head, which is why Jiro/Kikaida doesn't want to fight Hakaida, he would be killing his creator. Its in Kikaida-01 that Professor Gill' brain is put inside a new version of Hakaida and neither Jiro or Ichiro have any qualms about destroying this version of Hakaida. Also in "Jinzou Ningen Kikaida, Hakaida has a "human" form Saburo which does not appear in this movie. Saburo is not in Kikaida-01 either.
12, Mari is not in "Jinzou Ningen Kikaida she is in Kikaida-01 and is the human form of Bijinda. In this movie Mari does not have the Bijinda form.
13. In the TV series Dr. Kohmyoji survived but suffered amnesia. In this movie he's dead, killed in an off camera "accident" (apparently arranged by Professor Gill).
14. In the TV series Dr. Kohmyoji had an adult son, a firerman who was killed fighting a fire set by the Dark. No such character is mentioned in this movie.

Neither the TV series nor this movie explain what happened to Mitsuko's and Masaru's mother.

Having something planted in a child's body which the bad guys need to get their hands on is the subplot of Kikaida-01, only its the plans for a giant robot, tatooted on the backs of Professor Gill's two sons with invisible ink, instead of a data chip inside the rib cage of Dr. Kohmyoji's son.

October 10, 2014 "Kikaider Reboot: Kikaider The Ultimate Human Robot" was released on DVD by Generation Kikaida (which no longer exists)
"Kikaider Reboot: Kikaider The Ultimate Human Robot" will be released on Blu-ray by Discotek Media some time in 2025

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