About The Translations
Used Here
InfraMan was more literal in his interperations than some others have been. Also subtitlers have limitations imposed on them by limited screen space and time that may force them to shorten titles and or character names. I'm not criticizing the subtitlers just pointing out that they sometimes have to cut corners. JN Productions subtitles on the DVDs are excellent, they have given us more of the dialogue than most subtitlers do but they have shortend some things. For example they render "Daaku Hakai Butai" (Dark Destruction Corps) "The Dark" or just "Dark". And they made up "Dark Destructoid" because its shorte than "Dark Destruction Corp robot" or "Dark Destruction Corp android", etc.
Also JN Production's subtitles are their property, I would need their permission to use them. For these reasons I will stick the the translations made for this web page by InfraMan.
By the way the literal translation of Jinzo Ningen is "artificial human". For some reason that seems to offend people so I normally use "mechanical man". "Android" is shorter so subtitles usually us it. kikai as in "Kikaida" means "machine".