Episode 45: Samurai Waruda
Dies At Dawn
Ichiro is riding Double Machine. He stops. The Ronin Warriors are on a hill. They throw themselves at Ichiro. One is able to slice open Ichiro's sleave with his Katana. Ichiro transforms into Kikaida 01. The yellow spot is seen clearly on 01's arm. One of the Ronin fans katana. The light relecting off the blade blinds 01. The Ronin slices off 01's arm! Before the Ronin can doing any further damage two have arrows land at their feet. The arrows explode, destroying the two Ronin. Bijinda appears. She tries to use "Bijinda Laser" on the three remaining Ronin but their katanas reflect it onto 01! Bijinda picks 01 up and holding onto him rockets away. One of the Ronin hurls his katana into the air. It turns so the blad points in the direction 01 went.
Mari reattaches Ichiro's arm. The yellow dot is still on his sleeve. Apparently this substance can only be erased by a certain flower, "the first love blossom". Mari knows where the flower grows and goes there.
Big Shadow and Gill Hakaida watch Mari on their monitor. Hakaida flips a switch.
Mari doubles over in pain. Waruda finds Mari. He unbuttons her top button. Big Shadow and Hakaida laugh. Waruda unbuttons the second button. Hakaida chuckles. Waruda reaches for the third button...then stops too look through Mari's shirt and artifical skin. Seeing the bomb inside he curses Big Shadow. Then he punches Bijinda in the stomach, knocking her out. Big Shadow is not happy. Waruda opens himself up. Waruda removes Mari's power convert to which the bomb is attached, replacing it his own. Now Waruda has only two weeks before he ceases to function.
The Ronin Warriors stops. The leader hurls his Katana into the air. It turns then falls. He catches it. The continue on in the direction the blade had pointed.
Mari thanks Waruda for his help. Waruda gives Mari a Shirasaya style katana (a sword disquised as bamboo walking stick). Mari thanks Waruda and continues looking for the flower. Waruda follows.
The Ronnin stop and let the katana point the way to 01 again.
Mari is at the foot of a hill looking up. The flower grows on top of the cliff. She moves towards it but Waruda stops her. Handing Mari his disquised katana he begins the climb. Bolders fall, just missing him. Twice there are small explosions from Waruda. In using his own circuits to repair Mari he has weakened himself. Waruda makes it to the top and picks one flower but there is another explosion and he falls. He picks himself up and hands Mari the flower.
Kikaida 01 is attacked by the Ronin Warriors. An arrow lands by the Ronin and explodes. They hear laughter. They look up to see Bijinda. They hear more laughter. Waruda appears beside Bijinda. When Waruda jumps towards the Ronin they disappear. Waruda watches Bijinda use the flower to erase the yellow mark from 01's arm. Bijinda tells 01 of Waruda's help. Holding his hand out to Waruda 01 says "Arigatô". Waruda draws his sword and attacks 01. I don't know what Bijinda said to him, but Waruda breaks off the attack, turns and slices the air in frustration.
Bijinda and 01 are walking together when Shadow Men attack. They destroy some. More appear. The Ronnin Warriors appear. Then Waruda appears, draws his sword and attacks 01 again. While 01 fights the four swordsmen, Bijinda destroys more Shadow Men. When one of the Ronin tries to blind 01 again Bijinda throws the sword Waruda gave her to 01. 01 catches the sword and uses the blade to reflect the sunlight back into the eyes of the Ronin. 01 knocks one of the Ronin over, it explodes. He slices another with the sword and uses "01 Cut" on the third. Both Ronin fall over and explode. Now 01 turns to Waruda.
01 sticks the sword into the ground. Bijinda calls to both 01 and Waruda but this time they ignore her. For a moment 01 and Waruda just look at each other. Then 01 throws himself at Waruda. 01 manages to knock Waruda's sword into the air but in so doing is cut on his leg. As Waruda moves towards the damged 01 Waruda's own sword falls back down, stabbing him in the back! Waruda falls. Bijinda calls out "Waruda!" Waruda explodes. Bijinda runs calling "Waruda! Waruda!" Through a flashback Bijinda remembers Waruda handing her the flower.
Mari walks through the woods alone.
Ichiro rides Double Machine.
Big Shadow claims his new plan will destroy 01 and Bijinda.
This is the eighth (and final) episode in which Hiroshi and Akira do not appear.