the first tokusatsu tv series, created by Kawauchi, Kohan aka Kawauchi, Yasunori the series was unsual in that indentity of the hero was never revealed to the audience Tetsuwan Atom [Mighty Atom] (1959) Nana-Iro Kamen [7-Color Mask] (1959) - 57 episodes Toei's first tv super hero, created by Kawauchi, Kohan. in episode 32 the title role is taken over by 19 year old Chiba, Shinichi (Sonny Chiba) Nashonaru Kiddo [National Kid] (1960) Uchu Tokusatsu Shirizu: Kyaputen Urutora [Space Tokusatsu Series: Captain Ultra] (1967) - 24 episodes Kaiketsu Zubat [Swift Hero Zubat] (1977) - 32 episodes Supaidaman [Spiderman] (1978) - 41 episodes movie: Spiderman (1978) Uchu Kara no Messeji: Ginga Taisen [Message From Space: Galatic Wars] (1978) - 27 episodes sequel to the movie Message From Space (July 1978) |