"Kamen Rider vs. Shocker"
"Kamen Rider vs. Shocker" a short movie (36 minutes) introduced the new monster, Zanijo and revived 36 previously killed monsters. All working under Shinigami Hakase (Doctor Death).
Shinigami Hakase (Doctor Death) Shocker's 2nd Eminent Chief, came to Japan from Switzerland. Tried to kiil Kamen Rider 2 from episode 14 through 52 with occassional attempts on the life of Kamen Rider 1. After this last failed attempt he is replaced by Hell Ambassador (episode 53) although he will return three more times before he is finally killed by Kamen Rider 1 (episode 68).
Zanjio, the main monster of the movie he's assigned to steal plans that would let Shocker alter the Earth's gravity. Taken out at the end of the film by "Double Rider Kick"
(will be revived twice, in episode 66 and in "Kamen Rider vs. Hell Ambassador" movie)
Although 36 other monsters appear in this movie not all of them actually fight. Hae-Otoko, Sabotenguron and Mogurang are killed by Kamen Rider 2 (a second time). Arigabaril is killed by Kamen Rider 1 (the first time they meet). The others are either killed by the Double Riders working together or simply vanish after the roll call scene.
Despite the brief appearance by Wolf-Man (he doesn't actually fight), Colonel Zol is not in this movie.
This movie featured the Double Riders as the originally appeared in the television series. It is this movie that Hongo, Takeshi first strikes a henshin pose intead of riding his motorcyle to run air through his "Typhoon" belt. Like Ichimonji, Hayato he says "Henshin" not the "Rider Henshin" of the later television episodes.