Iron Cross Army (Testsu-Jyuuji-Gun)

Professor Monster
Professor Monster (Monsuta-kyoju) - played by Andô, Mitsuo
(the device where is left eye should be is a blue laser beam)

Amazoness Amazoness Amazoness Amazoness
Field Commander Amazoness (Amazonesu)
She disgues herself as Yoshida, Saeko editor of "Weekly Woman" until Spider-Man discovers he true idenity in episode 15)..
In episode 19 she goes from black hair to red with a hair piece.
IIn episode 31 her hair is black, but then its back to red in episode 32, before referting to black again in episode 33,

Professor Monster and Amazoness are handicapted in their battle against Spider-Man by the fact that they don't know who he is. A little less than half way into the series Amazoness does come to suspect that Yamashiro, Takuya is Spider-Man but has a hard time convincing Professor Monster.

Machine BEMs (Bug Eyed Monsters)

Iron Cross Army monsters

monster 1 monster 2 monster 3

Episode 1 (could shield its face, but did no good against Leopardon)
Episode 2
Episode 3 (had hypnotic eyes)

monster 4 monster 5 monster 6

Episode 4 (designed by a computer as supposedly the one monster that could kill Spider-Man, had blades on its wings)
Episode 5 (had machine gun in its left hand)
Episode 6

monster 7 monster 8 monster 9

Episode 7 (shot javelins out of its chest)
Episode 8 (created from the skeleton of a long dead black cat, hates Yamashiro, Takuya because his ancestor a samurai killed it originally)
Episode 9 (fit with a blue diamond that was suppsed to give it a laser beam that could kill Spider-Man, loves Yamashiro, Shinko, not realzing she's Spider-Man's sister)

monster 10 monster 10 monster 11 monster 12

Episode 10 (once a friend of Yamashiro, Shinko and former girlfriend of Yamashiro, Takuya she recongizes Spider-Man as being her old flame and refuses to fight him, does not giantsize)
Movie (spits torpedoes out of its mouth to sink ships, its recorded doing this by Interpol)
Episode 11 (poisons Spider-Man with an anti spider venom, nearly killing him. Spider-Man is saved when the boy Yamashiro, Takuya gave a transfusion of his blood to in episode 5 returns the favor)
Episode 12 (no Machine BEM instead just a woman turned into a cyborg killer, no giant monster so Marveller and Leopardon do not appear)

monster 13 monster 14 monster 15

Episode 13 (Professor Monster decides his next monster should be a kaizo ningen [cyborg] and has a motorcycle gang member captured to transform, almost immediatly giantsizes so Leopardon can kill it)
Episode 14 (Suspects Yamashiro, Takuya of being Spider-Man so he sends cyborgs to attack the Yamashiro family. When Spider-Man doesn't show the Machine Bem has to appear in human form to drive off the attacker so the family survives for a latter attempt to draw out Spider-Man.. Takuya can't defeat the cyborgs without revealing to both his family and the Iron Cross Army that he is Spider-Man. His failure to defend them is turning his family against him but he knows they'd be in even greater jeapordy if he was revealed to be Spider-Man)
Episode 15 (Only appears at the end of the episode to give Amazoness who's cover as Yoshida, Saeko editor of "Weekly Woman" has been blown the chance to escape from Spider-Man)

monster 16 Machine BEM Samson monster 18

Episode 16 (shows up after the evil scheme to blow up a dam has been ruined by Spider-Man and a boy with a dog)
Episode 17 (a wrestler named Samson who dreams of winning the championship wants Spider-Man to train him, Amazoness who suspects Yamashiro, Takuya of being Spider-Man tells him to call Yamashiro, Takuya, hoping that Spider-Man will then show up. When her plan doesn't work she tricks Samson into allowing himself to be transformed into a Machine BEM she thinks can kill Spider-Man)
Episode 18 (tests its air spray on Amazoness, knocking her around and messing up her hair, she was lucky its real power is to spray acid)

monster 19 monster 20 Machine BEM Tank Buffalo

Episode 19 (seems aliens from another planet have been living in Japan in secret for a very long time. most are not hostile but one of them has joined the Iron Cross Army and he summons this Machine BEM to kill Spider-Man. It imediatly giant sizes so Leopardon can kill it. The hostile alien is played by Ushio, Kenji. After Leopardn kills the BEM and the hostile alien is killed by Amazoness for failing to kill Spider-Man, the entire colony of aliens vanishes, apparently they don't even trust Spider-Man with the alien spider blood in his system to keep their secret)
Episode 20 (kidnaps a girl Professor Monster and Amazoness believe to have precognative abilities but of course Spider-Man rescues her, is actually in most of the episode)
Episode 21 (helps Amazoness to train Ninders in combat, in beginning and end of episode but missing from the middle still has more screen time than any BEM since episode 11 except perhaps its immediate predecessor, this episode has more Ninders [mostly disguisd as human soldiers] than any episode before)

monster 22 monster 22 monster 23 monster 24

Episode 22 (Professor Monster lives on blood, this Machine Bem is sent to collect it, from humans by causing automobile accidents, has no conscience and dies from Leopardon's sword)
Episode 22 (drives the fake ambulance which carts of the "accident" victims to have their blood drained, takes pity on a blind girl who was in a car with two adults and sets her free, turns out [as the episode title gives away] he's her father, Amazoness refers to him as "kaijin" rather than Machine BEM and he does not giantsize)
Episode 23 (rare female Machine BEM, runs a gambling den where now one seems to think is strange to see such a creaure, sucks the people in by letting them win, at first than takes all their money, Spider-Man gets involved because the brother of a woman running an orphanage gambles away the deed to the property and the Ninders disgused as humans try to force the orphans out into the street)
Episode 24 (standing outside of a cell, sprays poison gas into the cell to kill prisoners of the Iron Cross Army, Amazonees than threatens to have the BEM kill an Interpol agent's son if he won't tell her something she wants to know)

monster 25 border= monster 26 monster 28

Episode 25 (another boy loses his father when Amazoness believes the man is jewel theif who stole a gem Iron Cross Army wants and this BEM executes the man when he attempts to escape)
Episode 26 (By sacrificing her own men, leading a student to the scene and alerting the press, Amazoness makes it appear a student is Spider-Man and then frames the young man for a hit and run murder so everyone will think Spider-Man has gone bad, this Machine BEM is brought in to deal with the real Spide-Man, the police actually recognize that the Iron Cross Army exists)
Episode 27 (No Machine Bem, Amazoness' latest evil scheme is to capture all the dogs in Tokyo in attempt to find the best tracking dog so it can chase Spider-Man all over Tokyo, both Spider-Man and the dog are exhausted by the chase, Spider-Man recovers the dog does not, when it colapses from exhasution Spider-Man feeds it milk thus become its friend, Amazoness then decides to blow up an amusment park but Spider-Man ruins that plan)
Episode 28 (this fish shaped Machine Bem appears after Spider-Man rescues three kidnapped girls and ruins Amazoness' plot to create an earthquake to destroy Tokyo)

monster 29 monster 30 monster 31

Episode 29 (plants bombs around Tokyo, in order to extort money, those who don't pay get blow up. naturally one of the bombs leaves a boy and girl fatherless when a chauffeur is killed while driving his employer who did not pay, BEM's right arm is a machine gun, actually put up a good fight in first encounter with Spider-Man but is killed by Marveler's guns without Marveler needing to become Leopardon)
Episode 30 (breaks a pick pocket out of jail so he can replace a bugged tie tack for an ordinary tie take, letting the Iron Cross Army learn a secert, disguses the get away car as a police car and himself as a police officer)
Episode 31 (uses mushrooms from its body to make drugs, murders a private detectives wife, Leopardon kills the BEM then blows up Iron Cross Arm's drug lab)

monster 32 monster 33 Machine BEM Scrapman

Episode 32 (tries to keep Spider-Man from rescuing a young woman, fails of course)
Episode 33 (targets a girl wearing a spider pendent stolen from Professor Monster who stole it from Garia's people on the Spider planet, as Garia's chosen champion the pendent should belong to Spider-Man but as it was a gift from the girl's late father to her he won't force her to give it up)
Episode 34 (tries to kill Spider-Man with a disinigrating gas but only manages to kill some Ninders and one human hit man who was working for Amazoness)

Bella Rit Bell and Rita

Episodes 35-41: Bella & Rita, ancient amazonian warriors ressurected by Professor Monster, Bella Bella with a bow and arrows (she can only hit people in the leg), Rita is armed with a machine gun, (and no it doesn''t make sense for an ancient warrior to be armed with a modern weapon, but maybe that's why she can't hit anyone, she doesn't actually aim, like most people she apparently thinks having multiple rounds fired at once means you dont have to aim, you do if you want to hit what you are shooting at) In episode 36 they do nothing but ride around in a jeep with Amazoness. In episode 37 they disguise themselves by wearing normal clothes when they go out in public, which doesn't fool Spider-Man for an instant. When he fights them he doesn't pull any punches, he treats them no different than evil men. He actually kills them by hurling them off a building but they're brought back to life with a magic potion. In episodes 38 & 39 they do very little. In episode 40 Bella does manage to shoot an unarmed man, in the leg.

monster 35 monster 36 monster 37

Episode 35.(sent by after Spider-Man by Amazoness to project the newly resurrected Bell and RIta which was totaly uncessary as they can protect themselves)
Episode 36 (not a Machine BEM,yet another evil woman, an alien mad scientist who arrives on Earth to challange Spider-Man, after a brief meeting with Professor Monster she drinks a potion which turns her into this silver masked male voiced warrior who later turns into a gorilla to terrorize the Boys' Detective Group and than a wasp to sting Spider-Man, twice, instead of working together to defeat a common foe, Amazoness, Bella and Rita ran away when they saw Spider-Man was going to defeat this alien mad scientist, in fact they did nothing the entire episode)
Episode 37 (Not a Machine BEM, other outsider who meats with Professor Monster but does not bow to him. uses his potion to bring Bella and Rita back to life after Spider-Man kills them, the music that plays when he is on screen was originaly written as background music for Jinzo Ningen Kikaida, Toei recycles everything and Kikaida music is in any series for which Watanabe, Michiaki (aka Watanabe, Chumei) was the composer)

monster 38 monster 39 monster 40

Episode 38.(actually crawls on all 4 like a real alligator before standing up on hind legs, when he breaks his teeth in first fight with Spider-Man, Professor Monster install a whole new jaw with new metal teeth)
Episode 39.(Iron Cross Army's entrants in an extreme sports event for which Tachibana, Go is a competitor, they murder all but two of the athlets, the rifleman Tachibana, Go and a swordsman. They wanted to capture Tachibana, Go and kill the swordsman but Spider-Man prevened Tachibana, Go's capture so they settled for capturing the swordsman hoping Tachibana, Go would attempt a rescuse which would require Spider-Man rescuing him or Spider-Man attempting the rescue of the swordsman himself because of course their true goal was to kill Spider-Man, they got their wish but not the outcome they expected), after the armored wrestler is killed by Tachibana, Go, the other one giantsizes so Leopardon has something to do)
Episode 40 (bravely attacks a wounded man in a hospital bed and his young son, killed by Marveller's guns no need to change into Leopardon)

Amazoness Bella and Rita

Episode 41 After her many failures against Spider-Man, Amazoness has lost Professor Monster's favor, in a desperate move to win it back she attacks the Yamashiro home. If she hoped Takuya would become Spider-Man in front of her and his family her hopes were dashed. She was able however to poison Takuya and abduct Sakuma, Hitomi, Spider-Man rescues Hitomi but when the poison begins to work on Spider-Man Amazoness knows she was right about his idenity. She's wrong howerver in her assumption that he drowned when he fell into the river. Finding one of armbands, which has a radio tranceiver in it he is able to trace her to the Iron Cross Army base. Furious at Amazonees failure yet again Professor Monster has Bella and Rita attempt to execute her. Bella hits her in the arm (for a change) and although Rita for once manages to hit her target, Amazonees still manages to load herself into a piloted missile in an attempt to make a suicidal attack on Interpol. The missile is destroyed by Spider-Man.This was the best version of her custome which should have been black to match her hair all along.

Professor Monster

When the missle launches Professor Monster, Bella and Rita flee their base only to be confronted by Spider-Man who quickly dispatches the last of the Ninder followed by Rita and Bella, though they do manage to wound him slightly. All that is left of the Iron Cross Army is Professor Monster himself. Its not much of a fight, after Spider-Man takes away his poke weapon Professor Monster giant sizes which of course opens him up to be attacked by Marveller and Leopardon. Professor Monster's blue laser eye has no effect on either Marveller or Leopardon. I was disappointed that Leopardon only used his sword attack didnt't use any of the others first.


All episodes: Ninder, Iron Cross Army's cyborg soldiers

(they start out appearing like this and carrying swords but later in the series they stay disguised as humans most of the time and carry revolvers which are easier to hide, these revolvers however have the range of rifles and never seem to run out of ammo, will eventually get rifles too but they're better shots with the handguns they can't hit the side of a barn with machine guns)

(Several of the monsters are voiced by Îzuka, Shôzô))
