Dark Q
Sun Vulcan's x-ray machine shows what a Dark Q's insides looks like.
Episode 1: infiltrated Sun Vulcan's headquarters by impersonating Commander Arashiyama's assistant
Episode 2: nurse, sent to assassinate a hospitalized scientist
Episode 3: masked dancer, another failed assassin
Episode 4: kills an Earth Peace Defense Squad officer then impersonates the officer (first man impersonated).
When caught reverts to female form. Retreats to Black Magma base. Executed by President Hell Saturn for failing in mission.
Then a new Dark Q impersonates a housewife.
Episode 5: (no Dark Q in this episode)
Episode 6: (no Dark Q in this episode)
Episode 7: scientist, inventor of machine to turn baseball a player into superman, actually turns him into a violent primative
Episode 8: clothing store clerk who distracts Commander Arashiyama and Hyou, Asao so Misa can be kidnapped
Episode 9: three: first impersonates marine biologist, second doctor, third nurse (ther nurse is barely seen and has no lines)
Episode 10: taxi cab driver, tries to kill Oowashin, Ryuusuke and Samejima, Kinya
Episode 11: little girl, daughter of scientist
Episode 12: machine gun carrying assassin, tries to kill Hyou, Asao and Arashiyama, Misa
Episode 13: truck driver, killed men who helped get his truck out of the mud
Episode 14: helps Zero Girls abduct a politician who speaks out against Black Magma
Episode 15: (no Dark Q in this episode)
Episode 16: four school teachers, supposed to teach children that Sun Vulcan is a terrorist organization
Episode 17: four Dark Qs appear as 4 really strange monsters (from Japanese mythology?) which assist the real monster
Episode 18: three athletes (baseball player, boxer, swimmer) are abducted and replaced with Dark Q duplicates
Episode 19: little boy, son of a scientist
Episode 20: (no Dark Q in this episode)
Episode 21: spies on a secret meeting
After episode 21 the Dark Q robots are never used again.