Episode 18: The Rainbow's Egg
(featuring Pagos)
Jun telles Yuriko and Ippei a story about a "primitive animal" Pagos which attacked an uranium stroage site in Beijing. China. It shot an enery wave that looks like a "golden rainbow". Yuriko meets the chldren and tries to tell them a "bad adult" told them that lie about a rainbow egg granting wishes but they don't believe her. Ironically, Jun actually believes in the superstion of the bamboo flower bring disaster and starts listing some, the only one I recognized was WWI. To get out the search which they don't believe in one boy pretends to have a stomach ache and the other says he will help him get home. As soon as the other children are out of sight the boy is pefectly health and his friend said the trick worked. However, a third boy catches them and holds out his hand waiting for bribes not to tell the other children in the group. At the plant, Jun, Ippei and Yurkio are told that if anyting happened to the plant it would be a disaster for the town They are also told a "Neo Neutron Missile" will be arriving in 30 minutes to deal with the monster. Pagos appears. The chidren skatter. The oldest girl and a boy who cannot speak above a whisper find the rainbow egg, the missing uranium capsule. But that is just what Pagos is after. The boy is afraid and wont go near the "egg". The girl tries to drag it off by herself she and it fall in a hole which saves her life as the monster passes over her while she's in the hole. As the monster sets about destroying the still being built industrial city the military arrives with not one "neo neutron missile" but two. The missiles will melt the monster. But the children arrive asking the adults not to attack because the girl is still on the mountain with the rainbow egg. Jun, Yuriko and Ippei realzing its the uranium capsule head out to find it and the girl, because if that capsule explodes it will be a greater disaster than the appearances of the monster. Flying around the find the girl not on the mountain but in the valley. Jun radios the plant to report that the child and the capsule are about 1500 meters away from Pagos. Its decided that is a safe distance and the order to attack is given. Both missiles are fired and Pagos litteraly falls to pieces. In the valley, the adullts try to tell the girl that is not a rainbow egg but a nuclear capsule but grandma is so glad to see the girl is okay that she stands up out of her wheel chair and walks, not very steadly but she walks.
Note: The Pagos costume is a modified Baragon costume from "Frankenstein vs. Baragon" (1965) movie