Episode 4: Mammoth Flower
(featuring Juran)
Later, Jun and Ippei hear an announcement about an emergency being declared over a giant flower and instead of taking off in their plane to drop leaflets get in the car to rush back to the building with the giant root. Professor Ichibotani is talking to the press about the possability that if mammoths and dinosaurs, huge animals, once existed than giant plants could have as well. And this must be a survivng plant from that time. Jun and Ippei enter the building. They are asked to help carry things out of the office they got the flyers from. Jun carries some documents outside but Ippei is inside with a woman he has a crush on, when the building begins to shake as if from an earthquake. As the two try to make their way down the stairs and out of the building a mammoth bud grows through the roof and opens as people in the streets watch fascinated by the sight. Soldiers who were intending to try to destroy the plant with flame throwers hold off on their attack when told two people are still trapped inside and enter the building to find them, without the flame throwers. The flower starts releasing polin. Another root is destroyed by emptying a revolver into it. Another scienctist Doctor Genda, who wanted to study the Mammoth Flower rather than destroy it changes his mind he comes up with a plan to use chemicals to destroy it. Ippei and the young woman are rescued from the building. Jun uses his plane to spray the chemical on the flower while soldiers attack its roots with flamethrowers. The flower quickly withers away.
Note: the name Juran is never mentioned in the episode, its simply called "Mammoth Flower".