Inazuman aired October 2, 1973 - March 26, 1974
(25 episodes & 1 movie)
Created by Ishimori,
Produced by Hirayama,
Music by Watanabe,
Watari, Goro
Nakamura, Bunya
Nakamura, Bunya &Nakamura, Yu
Emperor Bamba (voice)
Emperor Bamba
Ikeda, Rikiya
Marume, Gosaku
Kitamura, Koichi
Ogi, Satoko
Sakurai, Mari
Ogi, Katsumi
Yamada, Yoshikazu
Tomikawa, Kaoru
Fukawa, Fusayo
Murakoshi, Ichiro
Raijingo could fly and could fire missiles out of it's mouth.
Inazuman's main killing blow is "Supreme Lightning Strike" in which he shoots red bolts of energy at the monster, usually followed up with a punch.
Marume, Gosaku, Goro's college roommate means well but he's usless in a fight. He either faints or gets hit on the head and passes out. Even when the Youth Corp does not appear he is usually there beside his friend. He is the only main character who is not a mutant.
In episode 14 Watari, Goro falls in love with Arisa, a young woman who is of course a New Human Order operative sent to destroy him.
Watari, Goro are the only seres regulars in episode 15.
After an appearance by Marume, Gosaku at the beginning of episode 16 the episode has no main characters other than Watari, Goro/Sanagiman/Inazuman for the remainder of the episode (except briefly Emperor Bamba).
Ogi, Katsumi: Ogi, Satoko and Tomikawa, Kaoru along with Marume, Gosaku return for episode 17 to watch Watari, Goro fight an evil duplicate of himself.
Episode 18 is free of the Youth Corp and has very little of Gosaku.
Gosaku and the Youth Corp trio return in episode 19 as two of Goro's other (never seen before) friends are targeted by the New Human Order because they are his friends.
Episode 20 begins with Watari, Goro playing soccer, something we haven't seen him do since the first episode. We see Marume, Gosaku back in the dorm as well. The Youth Corp are absent.
In episode 21 Ogi, Katsumi: Ogi, Satoko and Marume, Gosaku arrive in a strange village just as the villagers are completing a funeral for Watari, Goro. Tomikawa, Kaoru was left behind in Tokyo.again.
Gosaku appears briefly in episode 22, as Inazuman fights to save a boy's life. No Youth Corp.
After several episodes in which the New Human Order concentrate on trying to kill Watari, Goro/Inazuman, they finally return to trying to conquer the world (or at least Japan) as paintings attack innocent humans, in episode 23. However, its too little too late as the New Human Order is soon to learn Inazuman is not their only foe or the most dangerous. Goro meets a boy named Masaru (no its not that Masaru, he's in Switzerland remember). [I wonder what Ban, Daisuke thought when he saw that name in a script again.] This boy is mutant with precognition,. In one of the most disturbing scenes of the series, Watari, Goro looks down at the budies of murdered children he was too late to save. The Youth Corp trio and Gosaku do appear (briefly) in this episode. And for Tomikawa, Kaoru it's the last time.
The 3D movie Jumping Out, Inazuman released on March 16, 1974. ten days before Inazuman the TV series ended had the same basic story line as the final two episodes of the series but with extra plot lines not used in the series. In effect the movie was a spoiler for the TV series.
Episode 24 begins with a motorcycle riding robot, armed with a machine gun and a missile launcher, wiping out a small contingent of New Human Order soldiers and destroying their supply of missiles. Watari, Goro hearing the explosion investigates and encounters the last of Emperor Bamba's mutant monsters who naturally assumes Inazuman killed his men. Marume, Gosaku working to pay his tuition is captured along with other dock workers to be forced to build the New Human Order's missile base. Ogi, Satoko and Ogi, Katsumi: are also is this episode. Inazuman's scarf has gotten thicker and turned orange. (Must have been a cold winter in 1974).
In the final episode the mysterious warrior and traitorius New Human Order soldiers either convert New Human Order soldiers to their cause or executive them slowly but surely taking over Emperor Bamba's army. When Emperor Bamba and Watari, Goro are taken prisoner and nearly executed they escape and form an uneasy alliance, which of course Emperor Bamba violates, as nothing will stop him from destroying Japan. He apparently believes that sinking Japan with a massive eartquake and tsaunami will destroy his new enemies as well as the hated humans. Needing more energy to escape Emperor Bamba's last tramp Inazuman uses parts of his body to creathe psionic power emplifer Saber, which will allow him to call down actual lightning bolts. As the five minute countdown to the end of Japan begins, Inazuman battles Emperor Bamba who reveals his true form, Kasai-Fighter (Kasai=fire). All main cast members except Tomikawa, Kaoru are in this episode.After the death of Emperor Bamba the mysterious robot reveals itself as Udespar, and introduces Watari, Goro to Gaiseru Soutou [President Geisel] leader of the Desp� Gundan (Despar Army). Gaiseru Soutou does speak (guess they hadn't hired Ando, Mitsuo yet), And Watari, Goro realizes that an even greater threat has arisen.
Inazuman Episode Titles
Inazuman Songs
In a 2002 Anime DVD titled "The Boy Who Carried a Guitar: Kikaida
vs. Inazuman" (Guitar wo Motta Shounen - Kikaida tai Inazuman), Inazuman meets Kikaida.
On November 5, 2008 Inazuman was released on DVD by JN Productions/Generation Kikaida,
(by March 14, 2023 the DVD set was old out as Generation Kikaida began shutting down.)
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Last modified Saturday, March 25, 2023
© 1973 Ishimori
Productions and Toei
Co., Ltd.
Images are for viewing only.