episode 42
The Shadow-Figure Robots were created from the shadows of their
victims. The first Shadow Figures created were of a group of children.
Later a Shadow Figure was made of a Shadow Man. These replicas have
twice the strength of the person copied but the opposite personality. A
good human or robot produces an evil copy, an evil robot produces a
good copy. When the machine was tested by Zadam on a Shadow Man it
produced a copy which attacked the Shadow Men. Because Waruda is
confused about the differences between good and evil his copy was
indifferent as to wether it did good or evil. Instead of being afraid
of dogs the copy hated dogs. Although being stronger than the originals
the copies were not more skilled and only existed for three minutes
before fading back into the shadows. It would have been fun to see a
good copy of Hakaida but the device was never used on Hakaida.